Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India possess a comprehensive array of financial instruments catering to their capital and operational needs, including stocks, bonds, derivatives, and loans. Government initiatives offer substantial assistance through subsidies and a wide range of additional benefits. This course compiles and elucidates all available financial instruments, detailing the processes and procedures required to leverage these tools for meeting both capital and operational requirements.
11 Lessons
12:01:39 Hours
A comprehensive guide to setting up a new Company in INDIA.
19 Lessons
08:04:58 Hours
This course provides a detailed understanding of the Software and Technology Resource Acquisition process.
0 Lessons
This course teaches one how to speak in simple Sanskrit language. Full course is in simple English language, and one need not know complex Sanskrit Grammer or Devanagari Script to start speaking in Sanskrit.
0 Lessons
This course covers individual and organizational accounting requirements and taxation commitments under Indian Law. Students will be given detail demonstrations with theory and practical sessions with extended links, and training documents.
16 Lessons
04:40:25 Hours
Master Hibernate Course : In Hibernate training, We will discuss various Hibernate Mappings and Hibernate Features. Further, we can develop Project in Hibernate with Hibernate features learned in Hibernate Course.
3 Lessons
Master Spring Course : In Spring training, We will discuss various Spring Modules. Further, we can develop Project in Spring with Spring features learned in Spring Course.
3 Lessons
Master React JS Course : In React JS training, We will discuss various React JS Features. Further, we can develop Project in React JS with React JS features learned in React JS Course.
3 Lessons
In Angular JS training, We will discuss various Angular Features. Further we can develop Project in Angular with Angular features learned in Angular Course.
3 Lessons